Complete analysis for Eastern Europe

For the distributor of components for fluid systems in the leading position on the market of instrument valves and fittings for the Eastern Europe market, we have provided a complete analysis of the online environment.

What was the specific benefit of this analysis?

The specific outputs of this analysis were the individual recommendations across the research areas. To give you an idea, we present an evaluation of the changes we have achieved in Poland after the implementation of the outputs and recommendations from this online marketing market analysis:

  • 39.97% cost reduction for reaching relevant users compared to the previous setting in paid promotion *
  • 56.22% more new leads than in the previous setup *
  • Increase reach by 259.59% over the previous setup *
  • Comparing performance metrics with the previous period 300% increase in efficiency over the original settings *
Tento obrázek nemá vyplněný atribut alt; název souboru je Airgas_2.jpg.
Comparison of performance indicators before and after the implementation of outputs from keyword analysis. Due to customer protection, specific values of individual performance indicators are not available.

* All data that we have at our disposal are protected and we cannot publicly share the exact data on the basis of which the stated performance was evaluated due to the protection of the customer.

What areas did this analysis examine in detail?

  • SEO analysis of on-page web parameters for all its language versions
  • Website functionality analysis
  • Keyword analysis
  • Seasonality analysis
  • Competition analysis
Tento obrázek nemá vyplněný atribut alt; název souboru je Airgas_3.png.
Visit the site AirGas

Do you have a similar project?

Martin Gross
Websites and web-apps
Martin Gross
+420 720 758 334
CIN: 03644596
Martina Grossova
Online marketing
Martina Grossova
+420 737 252 017
CIN: 76415911
Illusmart Digital s.r.o.
Bohumila Kouby 1600
273 09
Czech republic
CIN: 17092094

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